Empowerment for Women Survivors in Mogadishyu through Training skills
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Story of Amran, GBV Survivor in Mogadishu
“My name is Amran* I am a mother of 3 children and live in Kaaraan district particularly in Wajer ward. I am 27 years old. I am also the breadwinner of my family. My husband has been good person as I was married to him, he used to sustain us but recently he made bad friends who were Mira or Kat consumers and my husband joined to them so that he eradicated us. I told him that I cannot endure this issue that he was doing but he turned deaf ear to my speech. I even had problem about coming late in the night. In the last night of our dispute, I encountered beating from him. He beat me badly. I had a wound on head. I and my children used to receive free health services at MCHs, A female from CISP came to me in the morning and took me to the MCH where I was received by female team who assisted me well. I gained treatment from our MCH then I gave them my further details.
In the last day, I ran away from him and now I live with my mother. Fortunate opportunity was 10th July as I gained an opportunity to start this training.
I joined to these women and selected by team in Karaan MCH. I and other 14 women have started tailoring course.
I and my children used to receive free health services at MCHs, A female from CISP came to me and took me to the MCH where I received by female team who assisted me well. I gained treatment from our MCH.
I had no idea about Tailoring but I was thinking to learn such course and the opportunity passed me this time and I am very glad to have such opportunity. Our 15 women started tailoring and we completed hand sewing and drawing as well as Somali writing and basic of mathematics.
I have been here for two months and learnt major parts of the machine, practicing how to sew underwear without machine. During the two months, I have also learnt Somali writing and four fundamental mathematics like addition, subtraction, multiple and division. I have great expectation on completing this course and become very skillful person. I am very delighted to be part of these women who were given great opportunity. I hope that I will do good progress in next months.